Jackie Robinson made history in 1947 when he ruined baseball's color barricade to play for the Brooklyn Dodgers. A brilliant player, Robinson won the National association Rookie of the Year award his first period, and helped the Dodgers to the National association championship - the first of his six journeys to the World Series.
Jackie Robinson's introduction in organized baseball is a celebrity (April 18, 1946, with the Montreal Royals of the International association, the Dodgers' best ranch club). In five at-bats he strike a three-run homer and three singles, stole two basis, and achieve four times, twice by forcing the pitcher to recoil.
Promoted to the Dodgers the subsequent spring, Robinson thrives on the force and recognized himself as the most exhilarating player in baseball. His playing style collective traditional rudiments of black sports he opportunistic risk taking recognized as "tricky baseball" in the Negro Leagues--with an aggression asserting his right to be at the plate or on the bottom paths.
In their reaction to Jackie Robinson, African-Americans discarded "separate but equal" position and squeeze addition. Robinson's occurrences in baseball excite them, and they gather to see the Dodgers in huge numbers and from immense distances.
Robinson, however, finally broke his moving and political silence in 1949, flattering an outspoken and controversial adversary of racial unfairness. He criticized the slow pace of baseball addition and entity to the Jim Crow practices in the southern states where most clubs behavior spring training.
Robinson led other ballplayers in influence baseball to use its financial power to integrate southern towns, hotels, and ballparks. Because most baseball teams incorporated comparatively calmly, the "Jackie Robinson experiment" provided a significant example of successful integration to ambivalent white southern following and business leaders.