History of Harriet Tubman and His Underground Railroad

Harriet Tubman

Harriet Tubman became renowned as a "conductor" on the Underground Railroad through the turbulent 1850s. Born a slave on Maryland's eastern coast, she tolerates vicious beatings by her master and the cruel administration of the meadow hand. Her life was a indication to the fierce confrontation of African-American populace to slavery.

In 1849 Tubman fled Maryland, departure after her free husband of five years, John Tubman, and her parents, sisters, and brothers. "Mah populace mus' go free," her steady refrain, propose a resolve uncommon amongst even the most militant slaves. She revisits to the South at least nineteen times to lead her family and hundreds of other slaves to liberty via the dissident Railroad.

Tubman collaborates with John Brown in 1858 in preparation his raid on Harpers Ferry. The two gathers in Canada where she told him all she identifies of the Underground Railroad in the East. Advising him on the area in which he considered to operate, she promises to bring aid from deserter in the province.

Tubman's disagreement to slavery did not end with the explosion of the Civil War. Her services as nurse, scout, and detective were request by the Union government. For more than three years she nursed the sick and injured in Florida and the Carolinas, treatment whites and blacks, soldiers and contrabands.

After the war, Tubman revisits to Auburn, New York, and sustained to help blacks falsify new lives in liberty. She cared for her parents and other needy relations, turning her dwelling into the Home for destitute and Aged Negroes.

Lack of money sustained to be an imperative problem and her investment the home by selling copies of her biography and giving speeches. Her most tremendous appearance was at the arrange meeting of the National Association of Colored Women in 1896 in Washington, D.C.
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