History of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Career

Franklin D.Roosevelt

Born on January 30, 1882, on a big land near the village of Hyde Park, New York, Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the only child of his rich parents, James and Sara Delano Roosevelt. He was cultured by private tutors and best schools (Groton and Harvard), and early on began to esteem and imitate his fifth cousin, Theodore Roosevelt, elected president in 1900. 

While in university, Franklin fell in love with Theodore's niece (and his own distant cousin), Anna Eleanor Roosevelt, and they wedded in 1905. The pair had a daughter, Anna, followed by five sons, one of whom died in youth. Roosevelt concentrates law school at Columbia University and worked for numerous years as a clerk in a Wall Street law firm. In 1910, he entered political affairs, charming a state committee seat as a Democrat in the greatly Republican Dutchess County. 

In 1913, President Woodrow Wilson named Roosevelt subordinate escritoire of the U.S. Navy. He would hold that position for the next seven years, itinerant to Europe in 1918 to tour naval basis and battleground after the U.S. entry into World War II. 

FDR Personal Struggles and Election as Governor: 

Roosevelt entered the nationwide stage at the independent meeting of 1920 and won the proposal for vice president under James M. Cox. Despite Roosevelt's active demonstration, Republicans Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge easily won the nationwide election, and Roosevelt returned to New York, where he accomplished law and worked as a vice president for the bond firm loyalty & Deposit Company. 

In August 1921, while on holiday with his family on the island of Campobello (located in Canadian waters off the coast of Maine), the 39-year-old Roosevelt was suffering with poliomyelitis. At the time, no one knew what reason polio or how to treat it (the Salk vaccine was not developed until 1955). Roosevelt was approximately totally paralyzed for a time, and never recovers the use of his legs, though he worked hard to regenerate himself during swimming and other physical action.
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