Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum

The Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum is one of thirteen presidential libraries administer by the National Archives and Records Administration. The library houses 45 million pages of historical papers, including the papers of Lyndon Baines Johnson and those of his close associates and others. The library was dedicated on May 22, 1971, with Johnson and President Richard Nixon in attendance. The present director is presidential historian Mark K. Updegrove.

The top floor of the library has a 7/8ths level replica of the Oval Office decorated as it was during Johnson's presidency. The museums provide year-round public viewing of its permanent historical and cultural exhibits and its several traveling exhibits. The library is the only presidential library not to charge admission, and has the top visitation of any presidential library. Upon her death in July 2007 Lady Bird Johnson lay in repose in the Library, just as her husband had 34 years earlier.

Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum

Austin, Texas, USA
May 22, 1971
Named for
Lyndon B. Johnson
Gordon Bunshaft of Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill
14 acres
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